My blog is new, but if you know me.. I'm anti GOP!
I cannot sit here and have a blog that today reached 4,227 viewers on Friday(yay) and not speak out against the rampant GOP that is running our Congress. Let's get to some issues...
Hidden Amendments Everywhere to defund Planned Parenthood: A bill for transportation. A farm subsidies bill. Dozens of bills to name monuments. What do they have in common? They have an amendment that strips all government funding of Planned Parenthood.
Keep in mind that 97% of their spending is to cervical and breast cancer screenings, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and parenting courses. Only 3% is spent on abortion, a law implemented in 1969 by the Supreme Court and upheld numerous times. They have forced Democrats to shy away from bills including bills by Democrats due to these amendments. It has led to a stale government.
They have no desire to help the mentally ill as we see in their budgeting. They vetoed a portion that was allocated for PTSD research and geared toward helping PTSD veterans. When Texas Congressman Juaquin Castro introduced legislation for mental health access expansion into poor and rural areas by giving tax incentive for professionals to practice in these areas, it was voted against.
They have lied about Health Care Reform several times. This session was not like last where they spent over 70 bills trying to repeal Obamacare with no alternative. But this session, in January before its beginning, a GOP Congress with Republicans Boehner and McConnel, they promised for a comprehensive health care bill that would be a GOP alternative to Obamacare. It would be comprehensive enough to explain funding and enrollment laws, and at a bare minimal they promised that provisions like no one denied on preexisting conditions and Medicare at age 65 (which McConnel personally has vowed to change) staying in-tact. They promised legislation which we have not seen. While trying to repeal Obamacare, there has been no attempt to replace it with something. So this promise was enticing... Obama welcomed it as did Democrats as something that could be thoroughly evaluated and discussed. Well, it never came to the table. There was never a bill that came forth offering a solution to enroll more people and enforcing basic ethical notions we have seen even Republicans vote for (health care until 26, no denying on preexisting nor dropping for reasons, etc.) With no alternative on the plate, we haven't seen any debates but to defund Planned Parenthood, defend those against contraception, Medicaid cuts, provisions to create caps on Medicaid, provisions to raise the age of Medicare, to establish a privatized voucher system, to shrinken Part D, and provisions bad for the nation.
The only change seen was by personal individuals who sought to cut Medicare taxes and replace it with Tort Reform, as if that would cover anything in the first place.
Bottom line: They lied. They promised a bill and we never saw one. Instead, we saw cuts to spending and provisions to shrink availability and defend corporations.
We need an absolute overhaul that repeals Obamacare, creates a united, single payer, Medicare for all system funded by corporate taxes and capping outrageous spending via administrative costs and health supplies being charged outrageously for something made so cheap, we need to publicize the NIH and their medical findings, shrink the DEA, and shrink the FDA. In fact, we need to merge them. We need to adopt ICD-10 coding and bar the DSM-5, creating something better. We need to ensure we can trust our doctor and get Washington out of it. We need expanded health research. Grants given liberally. Doctor's and health workers guaranteed free tuition and even laws to keep pay high, and we'll see results. For now, I'm thankful I can be on my parents plan but I wish my doctor could do more and I wish everyone had the insurance they needed to thrive.
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