Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pro's, Con's of Obamacare

Figured I'd share my view on Obamacare! 

  1. No one should ever be denied coverage. Period. We need a single-payer, Medicare for all system. I am glad Obamacare has raised those insured but it penalizes the poor with a tax penalty up to 4%.
  2. If we really want costs to decrease, we would...
    1. Put caps on silly spending... eg. bag of IV sterile H20... $1 to produce. Hospital charges ... $800. Fraudulent and unethical.
    2. Single payer - 1/3 of our costs are administrative costs. That's ridiculous. It doesn't go to our health per se.
    3. Work on preventative measures like labeling products with GMO's, putting calorie diet in school lunches, etc
  3. I am glad every child has Medicaid and every mother has it while pregnant.
  4. Still DISGUSTED that we allow over 40k people die because of no health care. Health care is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE. Charlie is a straight A 8th grader. Joe is a failing student. Both have parents, but Joe's are richer. Joe is entitled to better car just because of that. Not fair. 
  5. Subsidize medical school - Make it free unless you dropout. Incentive. Ensure pay is high as sadly money does make the world spin.
  6. I don't like the ACA's plan to expand government intervention in health care via FDA, DEA, etc. A few bureaucrats make the decision for doctors now and it's not fair. A doctor should have a fully autonomous health-care relationship with their patient with no intervening.
  7. Scheduling of drugs like Norco to Schedule 2 a stupid idea... Heroin use has gone up 27%. 
  8. Putting quarterly caps on how much of a product can be made per quarter is thoughtless. Eg. T3 running out last quarter, leading T4 to take its spot. 
  9. Making marijuana illegal hurts more than it helps. Marijuana legalization leads to safer cities, and can cure a wide array of diseases, include marijuana without THC. Due to its anxiety-relief, analgesic, sleepiness, and eating control, it has massive health benefits. We enable cartels to kill by prohibition.
  10. Make it federal law to take Fluoride out of our water. To me that's a health issue. 
  11. Increase autonomy of Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner. 
  12. Obamacare doesn't do enough to expand rural health care in a nation whose rural Midwestern former small cities are now nothing, with no hospitals or health care.
  13. Obamacare's complimentary measures that agree with the DSM 5 is sick. The DSM 5 is a for-profit joke.
  14. ICD-9 needs to be ICD-10. Everyone else has changed.
  15. Increase mental health government sponsored facilities and incentive social workers, counselors, therapists, with tuition/fee/room/board free college.
  16. Double amount of money government spends on health care research. Include Stem Cell Research.
  17. Dump new abortion laws that have taken place and bring laws back to what they were in 1996. 
  18. Increase use of herbal and holistic medicines like Kava and Kratom for pain relief. Like Canada, make Tylenol 2 with Codeine legal. We regulate things that only cause the underground market to splurge.
  19. Decrease patent on medications to 5 years; if groundbreaking, subsidize while retaining patents for the period.
  20. Halt advertisement for medications on television. 
  21. Spend money on making addiction-proof. Ban pharmaceuticals from paying subjects to be "lab rats" on new anti depressants that we don't need. Create more required phase trials to be undergone before approving (of most meds)
  22. Stop the growth of antibacterial causing immunity.
  23. Use health care budget to fund homeless shelters for food and shelter, free to all. Decreased costs in Utah by 57%. 
  24. Quit prioritizing new antidepressants an start prioritizing on AIDS/HIV vaccinations. Hold very strict tort laws to psychiatrists.
  25. Expand knowledge specialists receive on risky issues in universities.
  26. Subsidize pet therapy. 
  27. Increase alcohol prices on 12 pack + by $1
  28. Decrease sin tax on cigarettes - Because it hurts the poor.
  29. Fight obesity. Required P.E. all years of school including private. Nutritional information course required. 
  30. Ban Pharmaceutical Reps. All. 
OKAY!! Haha you may wonder how some of these apply to Obamacare? Because I believe government should take a smaller role in health care when it comes to doctor-patient relationships, but a bigger role in preventative care and lack of enforcement and condemnation of certain practices through tax hikes, etc. 

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