I myself am such a leftie liberal, I put Scandinavian liberals to shame! But...
Being affiliated with my Universities Democratic/liberal groups, even while on a hiatus from university, I have noticed this persistent obsession with requiring vaccines for everyone, religious minorities including it; even if against their beliefs.
This brutal attack on forcing vaccinations is a debate that came out of nowhere and is nothing more than a way to target those who are religious. Have we seen major outbreaks due to a lack of vaccinations? Also, if I get a Pneumonia vaccine, am I likely to transmit it to one who doesn't?
My concern with my fellow left-wing compatriots is that this discussion arose out of nothing. No school had an outbreak because of an unvaccinated student. There is nothing to make this news, or a priority.
The law has remained consistent since my lifetime and it is simple: You must get certain vaccines unless you get a waiver (for schools at least.) If you are traveling out of the country, you must get certain ones in certain areas, if deemed necessary (what a joke we saw that when not one case of unvaccinated World Cup attendees in Brazil popped up!)
We as liberals are supposed to be tolerant especially of the religious minority. To fight to require vaccinations under no premise is a battle cry for bigotry and stands against our own values. We are undermining the principles of western liberalism by starting arguments that are irrelevant. This is why I am vehemently against this notion.
We as liberals need to work with those who are religious. With Jews, Muslims, and Catholics, we share a welfare-state perception of economics. With Catholics, priorities to abortion and LGBT rights are not big fish to fry. With Jews, we have always garnished the Jewish vote and same with Muslim. As well as African-American Protestant and northeastern Mainline Protestants. I see no reason why we can't work together with the Catholic Church who vigorously fights for immigration rights, African American Protestants who fear police brutalities, Jews who are against the apartheid state of Israel, and Muslims who will one day have the upper hand and we need a mutual respect for.
So let's stop this, and if you believe it should be required, what is the significance? What happened in the past year to make you believe in forced vaccines? And we saw Rick Perry go down with his wish to force HPV vaccines. Are we representing the people by holding that same sentiment?
Vaccines should not be required lest some major outbreak happens. Being a sanitary person who avoids dirtiness is a vaccine to me!
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