Republicans have fought tooth and nail to lower the Social Security budget, rid Medicaid as we know it, and rid Medicare to profit the private sector.
As baby boomers are beginning to retire, we are about to see millions enrolled in Medicare, a system they have paid for their entire lives. Yet as millions enter, their benefits and their coverage will be dirt poor. Republicans already passed a bill to cut Medicaid and have made similar, yet not as keen to the eye methods on Medicare.FACTS:
Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, has vowed to increase the Medicare age to 67. This would actually cost the nation some $11.4 billion because 5 million eligible people won't be, and the fact of the matter is: Medicare is cheaper than private insurance by a huge margin. The Congressional Budget Office has stated 2 out of 3 people aged 65-67 will have to be annually over $2200 in out of pocket costs. The Medicare I always knew was similar to Medicaid, save a few supplemental plans and part D, small things, but... IT WAS FREE!!
While Medicare should be in the hands of the elderly who have paid for it their whole lives, young folks enrolling in Obamacare will see an increase in premiums of $141 that doesn't go to them or even services them. Under Republican Medicare principles, between 47%-90% of your personal income will pay for Part B, something you've been paying for your whole life.
Medicaid Facts:
Republicans have cut Medicaid for the near future by a whopping, sickening, $810 billion. Amidst a recession that we've been out of but haven't seen a rise in full time jobs as well as before, amidst a battle against women's reproductive rights, making it nearly impossible to have an abortion yet losing access to your Medicaid, and amidst the poorest of the poor now having caps on how much they can use on Medicaid, Republicans have made it even harder for the poorer and middle class. It is a damn shame that they not only cut Medicaid, but put caps on how much you can use. Have cancer? Okay, you get X much help, but that's it.
It's disgusting. Meanwhile, in January John Boehner promised a comprehensive health care plan to overhaul Obamacare. Where is it?!
Don't be fooled.. I don't like Obamacare. I like health insurance guaranteed to all, and I like putting caps on for-profit overseas sectors.... But you think Republicans are helping even the slightest?
Food for thought.
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