Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hello all!
My name is Kyle and I am a 23 year old stay-at-home son (HAH) only because I am on a medical withdrawal from my University. In reality, I am a 23 year old Sociology major who has gone through a lot in my life, and has had to use many different medications (primarily for mental health) in order to get around.
Studying mental health medications, and how the government's policies toward them are shifting, how the government supports big pharmaceutical companies, works with them, etc., are issues I have learned about over the past few years and are now something I want to speak about. It has become a passion for me to try to educate people on medications.
I suffer from PTSD, GAD, Social Anxiety in certain circumstances, Panic Disorder, mild Depression, and I used to have a huge list. For now, you can just say I suffer from some depression, a little OCD, and a lot of anxiety.
Aside from my anxiety and (former-ish) depression, I have a sleeping disorder. I have been severely depressed before to where I was bed ridden. I take prescription painkillers and have tried many, as I am on a huge dose, due to a car accident. I love studying medications and their pharmacology because I have learned not to trust what a doctor just tells you right off the bat. While often times they are being truthful, many have agendas, especially Specialists. I want to inform the world of my opinion on laws and policies here in the United States that I find worrisome, commentate on some medicines, etc!
My blog will be themed around mental health and commentary. Also, health care in general. I am two courses from graduating University but had to take the Spring Semester off because of my bad back. Sociology is my major. I still have that odd love that a few nerds have for continuous study on their own time over a certain topic!
So ask me anything! Read my posts, give me feedback, let's have a dialogue, and let' s learn!
As a general guideline, no discrimination is allowed on this blog by anyone, of any kind. Everyone is to be mutually respected even if disagreeing. Shall my blog one day be popular and members have serious debates, make it a nice dialogue and be open minded, not a fight with drama. :)
Maybe this blog will be me ranting my life away. Or maybe, just maybe, it will attract attention. Who knows, but hello! Enjoy! 

We all take pills, essentially. Whether it is vitamins, painkillers, blood pressure, or mental health, seeing something like this in your home likely exists. But are these pills good? From my experience, let's gain some thought!

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